A father and son team from Dorchester discover 14 axe heads

both Rhys Turner and Martin

A father and son discovered 14 Bronze Age axe heads, and the experience was described as "unreal" by the father.

They discovered the haul while metal detecting in a field close to Dorchester, Dorset, with Martin Turner, 52, and his son Rhys, 18.

I couldn't believe what we were finding, he told the BBC. Though I was aware of their advanced age, I didn't realize it. ".

Because of the significance of the discovery, archaeologists are now anticipated to excavate the location.

In June, Mr. Turner and his son were searching a field they had never searched before, and it didn't take them long to make their first find.

Axe head finds in Dorchester
The axe heads were found by the father and son one after the other.

We hadn't even been there for 30 minutes when we discovered the first one, he said.

You won't believe what I've found, I called my boy over after I dug it up and realized it was an old axe.

As he approached me, his detector went off behind my back. I told him, "You better dig that,' but he immediately dug up another one, leaving me speechless.

"I turned my detector back on and started to leave when it went off, and there was probably another one not even 18 inches away.

About three feet away from us, Mr. Turner continued, "there was one on top of the ground when we put them all together and I was taking pictures of them on the floor.".

Axe head finds in Dorchester
Now, Mr. Turner wants to see the exhibits at the Dorchester Museum.

The good fortune of his teenage son left Mr. Turner in a state of shock.

People work their entire lives to cross off one of these items from their bucket lists, and he's helped find 14 of them, he said.

"The sensation of holding them for the first time in 4,500 years, knowing that you are the only person to have done so.

That's what makes it exciting, he continued.

Due to the fact that "they are a part of the local history," Mr. Turner wants to see the artifacts displayed at the Dorchester Museum.

To stop people from searching for treasure to sell on the black market, the exact location of the site must be kept a secret.

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