The Paignton Zoo turns 100 years old

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A new exhibit has been opened as part of Paignton Zoo's celebration of its 100th birthday.

The zoo in Devon first opened its doors in July 1923 under the name Torbay Zoological Gardens before changing its name.

On Saturday and Sunday, a variety of family-friendly events will be held to commemorate the anniversary, including storytelling sessions and animal talks.

A zoo spokesperson announced that a new exhibit would be unveiled on Saturday at 11:00 BST to commemorate the centenary.

The exhibit examines the evolution of the zoo throughout its history.

Before he invited the public inside, Herbert Whitley maintained a sizable private collection of plants and animals.

Whitley died in 1955, and since then Paignton Zoo has developed and changed into the location it is today with a renewed mission to inspire, educate, and protect endangered species, according to the zoo.

"Paignton Zoo has undergone significant change over the past 100 years, but its original goal of educating visitors still holds true today as it did in 1923.

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