Welcome to the Dudley Zoo, young two-toed sloth

The infant sloth and Flo

Cute images of Dudley Zoo's newest addition show a baby sloth cuddling up to its mother.

The unnamed two-toed sloth pup was born two weeks ago at the Castle Hill attraction.

The zoo's sloth couple, Flo and Reggie, already have a young one-year-old named Button, and this is their second child.

The zoo's Pat Stevens said the staff was "really happy" to have found a breeding pair that would get along.

The infant is a Linnaeus's two-toed sloth, which gets its name from the two long, curved claws at the ends of each of its limbs. Sloths can be divided into two groups.

The species is indigenous to South American rainforests, but habitat loss and deforestation have led to population declines.

When a baby sloth is born, it crawls onto its mother's stomach and stays there for the next six months. The animals give birth while hanging upside down.

Flo and the baby sloth
The zoo's keepers are currently choosing a name for the infant sloth.

The baby is alert, and just like the first time, Flo is embracing motherhood, said Ms. Stevens.

Reggie has been seen coming over to the baby for a sniff, while Button is currently keeping to herself, but we have made sure she has a few extra treats now that she is a big sister. ".

The zoo's keepers are still deciding on the new arrival's name and have not yet determined its gender.

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